Evolution of the Canon Powershot G Series

The Canon Powershot G series cameras have consistently been amongst the best selling and most highly regarded serious compacts. Along with that, they are the subject of great scrutiny. Critics will point out that, beginning with the G7, the series abandoned some of the defining G characteristics (articulating LCD and fast lens), instead picking up where the Powershot S series ended with the S80. The series, too, has been criticized for its trend towards stuffing more and more pixels into roughly the same size sensor.

Róbert Irházy of PixInfo.com takes a fascinating look at the evolution of the G series. The entire series is compared carefully on screen and in print. In the end, the results may be predictable, but it is well worth a look.

Link: PixInfo.com - 9 years in the megapixel race - noise or quality

[Thanks Simbabu]

Posted by Amin

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