Leica Working on a Full Frame Digital M9

Leica is working hard to develop a full-frame digital M9, an autofocus R10 (SLR), and a compact digital M. So says Die Welt, a reputable German newspaper. Click here for the original article in German or here for an unusually good Google translation. Many, citing technical obstacles and lack of need, have expressed doubt that Leica would ever create a full-frame (35mm) digital M. Ever since the release of the 1.3x crop M8, I've considered the development of a full frame digital M to be inevitable, dependent only on two things - Leica's survival as a company and time.

I learned of the article via this thread at RangefinderForum.com.

Posted by Amin


Anonymous said... January 23, 2008 at 8:12 AM  

That article is from december and apparently based on rumors of the Leica User Forum.

Nothing to get too excited about.

Amin said... January 23, 2008 at 10:42 AM  

My understanding was that Die Welt is a reputable newspaper. From what I can tell, they did not explicit qualify their comments as loose rumor/speculation. How do you know it is based on rumors from the LUF?

Anonymous said... January 24, 2008 at 4:20 AM  

Die Welt is not really your first source of reliable business information - it's not too bad either though.

This particular article is extremely vague, there are no original quotes in it and just speculation, which might escape in googled translation.

"Zur Zukunft der Leica-Modellpalette verrät das Unternehmen wenig."

Leica does not reveal much about the future of the Leica lineup."

"So weit bisher bekannt, tüfteln die Entwickler vor allem an drei Neuerungen."

"As far as so far known, the developers are working on three innovations."

"Zum einen soll es eine M9 Sucherkamera mit Vollformat-Sensor geben. Das bringt höchste Abbildungsqualität."

"On the one hand, there's supposed to be a M9 rangefinder camera with full format sensor. This brings in highest image quality."

"Zudem ist eine R10-Spiegelreflexkamera mit übergroßem Chip und Autofokus in Arbeit - eine komplizierte Neuentwicklung bis hin zum Verschluss und zu den Objektiven."

"Furthermore, there is a R10-SLR with oversized chip and autofocus being worked on - a complicated invention up to the shutter and the lenses."

"Und schließlich dürfte eine Art "kleine" digitale M auf den Markt kommen."

"And finally, a 'small' digital M could come to the market."

As you probably know, german is not the easiest language on earth. It's in the details.

The expression "dürfte" is usually translated as "is allowed" - in this context it means "there is a possibility that this happens".

"soll es eine" means there's "ought to be" - which is a subjunctive as well.

There's not credible source quoted in the whole text.

As for the connection to the LUF - there was a thread about this particular topic a week before the article with exact the same assumptions issued by a member. On the day the article was published, people instantly drew the connection between the speculations on LUF and funny enough an article one week later, where no source at all is mentioned - so the common opinion was "transcribed from LUF".

Anonymous said... January 28, 2008 at 11:10 PM  

110 new employees were terminated.

Correctly translated the passage would read: 110 new employees were hired.

Not bad for translation software - but wrong...

Amin said... January 29, 2008 at 7:38 AM  

Venkman, thank you for taking the time to leave a detailed translation. Very helpful indeed. Mcsol, thanks also for pointing out the error! Regards, Amin

Anonymous said... January 21, 2009 at 11:38 AM  

I will buy surly M9 becaus i hate cropf. I still love film quality but don't want to make toxic film processing waste. Now D700 + Zeiss lense is mutch better buy.

Unknown said... September 1, 2009 at 4:46 AM  

I have written a summary article on the Leica announcements regarding September 9th 2009. I am challenging the assumption the M9 will be a full frame bigger brother to the M8. I'm convinced the new camera will be a digital CL. Have a look at www.portretteur.nl for the article.

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