Amin Foto Renamed to Serious Compacts

We have renamed this site as Serious Compacts. This was done to reflect our primary focus, which is on advanced compact cameras, i.e. compact cameras for photographers. The old name, Amin Foto, also seemed less appropriate since I am no longer the sole blog author. Björn Utpott has kindly agreed to contribute to the site, and we will be featuring other contributors as time goes along. Please update your any bookmarks with the new site address,

Addendum: Unfortunately, migrating the domain from AminPhoto.blogspot to AminFoto and then SeriousCompacts has had the unfortunate side effect of breaking all the links to old material in Google searches. This will likely get worked out as the new site is indexed. In the meanwhile, if you are looking for any old material, the search box in the upper left corner of the page should take you there.

Posted by Amin

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