More Sigma DP Series Compacts Coming this Year?

As seen in a DPReview forum post, Sigma is apparently planning to release two more compacts, in addition to the DP1, later this year. This information reportedly comes via an Amateur Photographer (AP) interview of Sigma's founder Michiro Yamaki, and not surprisingly my friends over at 1001 Noisy Cameras once again beat me to the news =). The relevant quote from the AP article states "Expect to see two more compact cameras by the end of the year was the surprise news from Sigma's founder Michiro Yamaki during an exclusive meeting with AP." AP went on to speculate that these cameras may be similar to the DP1 but with different focal lengths and/or optical zoom capability.

I would love to see a Sigma DP series camera with a longer lens than the DP1. 40mm (equivalent) would be perfect. Given this preference, the AP interview caused me to consider cancelling my DP1 pre-order. However, I've decided against that since 1) I don't want to wait another 6 months or longer, and 2) I imagine carrying around two Sigma DPs of different focal lengths will work very well for me. That said, it makes no sense for Sigma to release this news now. This information could easily damage DP1 sales. Hopefully the AP interview won't have the same effect on the career of Mr. Yamaki that an earlier AP interview was believed by many to have had on that of Leica's previous CEO Mr. Lee. At any rate, I hope this news is true, and I'd like to see some of the other camera makers step in as well to challenge this space!

Posted by Amin


Anonymous said... March 3, 2008 at 3:26 AM  

Actually if my compact were to have a prime lens, 28mm would be ideal since I shoot most of my photos at that focal length.

But I like your idea of having a DP with a different focal length in each pocket!

Even if it's slightly larger, my ideal "DP" camera would have a 24-36mm or even better, 24-48mm zoom.

The fact that Sigma is already developing additional models suggest that interest in the DP1 is very high.

If that's true, then I wonder how long it will take for other manufacturers to announce competing models.

Panasonic would be a possible candidate. A high end "range finder style" compact could certainly also be sold under the Leica name. As it is, the DP1's styling is based heavily on the LX1/2 and D-LUX2/3.

I think I'm going to try to resist getting a DP1, and wait to see what other cameras are announced in this very interesting niche.

Maybe there will be something new that I can play with at Photokina this Fall.

Until then I'll lug around my D300.


Amin said... March 3, 2008 at 10:56 AM  

Björn, 24-48mm (equivalent) would be sweet! I'd love to see what Panasonic and Leica could do together in this space. I'm going to send you an email back channel. Regards, Amin

Anonymous said... March 14, 2008 at 10:21 AM  

Having used the DP-1, I want a 10mm and 30mm (17 and 48mm equivalent) prime models. I think of them as Fujica GS645 "replacements" for my photographic setup, and as such I'm wanting to replace a 45, 60 and 70mm (I didn't have the 70, but I would never have used it) MF rangefinder set.

I want the perfectly optimised primes, not a zoom.

Anonymous said... March 23, 2008 at 9:03 PM  

I would like to be able to have a quality compact with a 24mm. One with a 35 or 40mm and one with a 80mm for snap portraits
I have no interest for the DP series though as they only have the 3;2 ratio contrary to other compacts

I would love to see a Ricoh or Olympus with a bright (like 2.5 or 2.8) a 24-45mm equivalent
and in the other pocket a fixed 2.5 /80 mm
Both of them with a 4/3 sensor and ratio with the possibility to have Square in RAW too

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